Tuesday 23 August 2011

Losing Body Fat Fast

Losing body fat fast is so important to every woman

Wouldn't you agree?

As women we tend to want it to happen now, rather than wait.

Well one of the best ways to losing body fat fast is....

Interval training and high intensity interval training (HIIT) because these are the best ways to lose body fat fast.

You continue to burn body fat long after you’ve finished your workout. How cool is THAT!

These types of workouts are little gems in the world of fat burning and fitness.

Interval training is short bursts of high intensity work followed by a short rest period; for example 30 seconds of running / walking at a fast pace followed by 1 minute of a slow walk to recover. Complete this 10 x and there you have your cardio workout completed.

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is generally used if you’re a more intermediate to advanced exerciser. For example 30 seconds sprinting uphill as fast as you possibly can followed by a 30 second slow walk recovery. Complete this 15 – 20 x and you’re done.

I have to say though to lose body fat fast you really don’t have to do the usual walking, running, sprinting, cycling or rowing when you want to do interval training.

There are so many other ways that you can utilise these little gems….

Jump Squats
Jump Squats

The timing stays the same, for both the interval training and the HIIT.

The beauty of these alternative exercises are that you can do them absolutely anywhere; in your home, hotel room, garden, park, office, rest room (if you dare)….

All you need is a timer, that’s it.

Its fantastic how you can adapt the majority of workouts to suit you, not everything has to be done by the book.

So, next time you’re thinking how can I lose body fat fast perhaps for an event or because you really want to make some changes to your lifestyle and NOW. Then try one of my alternative interval training or HIIT workouts, and you’ll lose the extra body fat fast!

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