Sunday 31 July 2011

Put Your Fitness First

How many times have you said to yourself, today is the day that I’m going to put my fitness first, come what may…

Then without warning, something more important comes up!

* Your work meeting has been re-arranged
* Your partner wants you to spend more time with them
* Your kids need cookies to be made
* Your dog needs to go to the vet

So many important tasks to fit into your already busy life

So what gives?

Well, I bet you would say 'my workout' because it can be done another time.

That is definitely the wrong answer; you should always put your fitness first.

I’m not saying that the other tasks are less important but your health & fitness should always take priority.

'Why?' I here you ask…..

Because without your health and keeping your body fit and strong, all of the other day to day tasks will be so much harder to manage and cope with.

This is what you achieve when you put your fitness first:

1. You lose weight
2. You strengthen & tone your body
3. Improves your stamina
4. Helps prevent diseases
5. Improves the quality of your life

Those are just a few benefits; the list is endless.

Just as you put important tasks into your diary on a daily / weekly basis, that’s exactly what you should do with your workouts. If they have to be re-arranged then that’s fine but just make sure you fit them into another time during that day.

Don’t cancel completely!

You must take charge when it comes to your health, it’s an absolute necessity.

Putting your fitness first will make you an even better woman, partner, mother, business woman than you already are.

But be warned!

Putting your fitness first may have these side effects:

1. Improved confidence
2. Constant boundless energy
3. Improved physical strength
4. Heightened alertness
5. Everyday tasks become easier
6. Feelings of wellbeing
7. Patience to deal with stressors
8. Weight loss and firm physique

Who’d want all those right?!

You! OK then! So say it with me!

“I will always put my fitness first because I value my health”

Friday 8 July 2011

How to Get Toned Arms for the Summer

The summer is here....


That means being proud to show off your arms and not hiding them under long sleeved tops.

If you have a special occasion coming up this year or you just want to know how to get toned arms for the summer, then I have two fantastic exercises for you.

They will tone and sculpt your whole arms but especially the upper back of your arms leaving them firm and jiggle free.

How to get toned arms for the summer!

Sound good…

Then let’s get started with the first exercise…

The Tricep Kickback

All you need is a set of dumbbells and you’re ready to go.

This exercise is awesome whether you’re a beginner or an advanced exerciser.

Include this in your weekly workouts, 3 x each week.

Perform 12 reps for each arm x 3 sets.

Tricep Kickback Description

> Stand with your feet hip width apart
> Hold a dumbbell in each hand
> Bend forward at the hips
> Tuck your elbows into your side
> Keeping your upper arms still, straighten
both arms behind you until the top part
of the dumbbell is pointing towards the floor
> Squeeze triceps
> Your palms must be facing in towards your body
> Slowly return to the start, repeat

The next arm toning exercise I have for you is…

Close-grip push ups

If you are a beginner then please only do the above exercise, but if you’re an immediate or advanced exerciser then this one is for you.

As you progress as a beginner then you will certainly want to include this in your workouts later down the line.

Close-Grip Push up Description

> Start in a push up position
> Keep hands under your shoulders
> Keep your abs tight as if someone was pulling
your belly button through to your spine
> Feet should be directly behind you so you
are in a straight line from your toes to shoulders
> Keep your elbows tucked into your sides
> Lower yourself down
> Press-up to the beginning and repeat

Include this in your weekly workouts, 3 x each week.

Perform 12 reps x 3 sets.

If you want to get toned arms for the summer, then incorporate these moves with my HIIT workouts 3 to 5 x each week and you’ll be jiggle free in no time.