Tuesday 28 February 2012

Never Give Up

How are your goals that you set at the beginning of the year going so far?

Did you write them down on paper or did you just set them in your mind?

Your goals are there to make improvements to whichever aspect of your life you feel needs enhancing, developing or changing.

don't give up

You’re human so if you’ve found yourself sliding away from your desired outcome then don’t worry, don’t beat yourself up and don’t give up.

Sit back, reassess and begin again. Do not let the bumps in the road discourage you to the point of giving up!

Working your way through the rough patches will actually make you stronger and help get you back on the right track.

You may want to think about the goals you’ve set yourself, are they realistic?

Are they truly achievable or have you made them so big that you’ve set yourself up for failure? It happens; it’s your subconscious fear holding you back from actually succeeding in moving beyond your comfort zone.

There’s no point in having a list of goals where only half are achievable, don’t set yourself up for failure at such an early stage and certainly don’t give up. Set yourself little goals that are totally achievable, give yourself regular pats on the back and then set yourself slightly more challenging goals, push harder to achieve those and then go for the big ones!

96% of people, who say they want to lose weight in their new year’s resolutions, unfortunately don’t end up achieving their goal.

This is because they haven’t planned exactly how they are going to lose weight, how much they want to lose and by when.

Planning for success is vital, relaying on lady luck rarely gets you anywhere at all.

It’s all about you, your passion, your determination and your desire.

Sometimes it can seem easier for you to give up on your goals rather than realising that they are a work in progress. If you want to change anything in your life it takes time and effort and the true test is, stamina, how much do you want it and how much are you willing to give.

An important thing for you to remember is that life is not measured by how many times you fall down, but by the way you pick yourself back up and carry on.

martina navratilova

Every negative experience will help you grow as a person and no negative experience should ever stop you from going out and living your life to the absolute fullest.

Never give up on your goals and dreams, whether they are be big or small, even when life is tough. Life goes too quickly to sit around too long allowing your excuses to hold you back.

2012 is about achieving your dreams, so don’t give up. Go out there and grab the life that you want with both hands and don’t let go!