Sunday 26 July 2009

Motivation, the Key Weight Loss Ingredient

It’s Sunday morning and I’ve just got back from my morning workout.... It was a good workout and I feel so much better for doing it but do you think I really wanted to get out of my nice cosy bed early on a Sunday morning when the majority of people are enjoying a well earned lie in?.... I DON’T THINK SO!!

I must have hit the snooze button at least 4 times. Finally I managed to drag myself out of bed and I’ll tell you why.

Because I kept telling myself how good I would feel after I had finished and that perhaps I would only workout for 15 minutes instead of the full 30 minutes and you know what, once the 15 minutes was up I felt energized and I didn’t even think twice about continuing for the extra 15 minutes.

Maybe you’re the same as me and find it extremely difficult to motivate yourself on occasions?

Allow me to pass on 3 great motivators that work for me and my clients.

1.Let me ask you, what are the main reasons you workout? Maybe it’s for weight loss; to stay fit, train for an upcoming event, or even all three! Write your reasons down and tape them to the fridge or where you can see them. Then write down next to your reasons how your workouts make you feel, do they make you feel energised, happy, strong, confident? You get the idea.

2.Next, start to write down your daily goals on a separate piece of paper. So maybe on Monday you want to get up at 6am and workout for 30 minutes and on Tuesday you want to do a 20 minute interval training session and so on. At the bottom of the paper I want you to write down a special treat that you can reward yourself with only if you have achieved your weekly goals. Perhaps a back massage or a manicure. Tape this piece of paper next to the reasons.

3.Lastly but by no means least...move! All it takes is for us to take one step forward (out of bed) to get the motivation & momentum to continue taking steps towards our own personal goals.

Now whenever you are lacking motivation or you think ‘I can’t be bothered’, I want you to look at the pieces of paper and I guarantee they will give you a good kick up the butt. This is something we all need once in a while!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sunday 19 July 2009

Workout Like Cameron Diaz

Is it me or is everywhere we look at the moment filled with photos of the lovely Cameron Diaz? In fact every time we see Cameron Diaz whether it’s in her new film My Sister’s Keeper or in a photo of her walking along the beach in Hawaii she looks lean and sexy. Her athletic body definitely stands out from the crowd making most women despair as the holiday season is here already and the thought of removing clothes to reveal a not so perfect body sends them into a panic, secretly wishing that they hadn’t missed so many workout sessions and had eaten a lot healthier, sooner!

As a fat loss coach to so many women I say it’s never too late to burn some extra fat and have you looking smoking hot so you too can be proud to walk along the beach on your vacation!

Here’s a special workout that I put together for you so you can workout the way Cameron does!

This workout should be done 4 times per week. Complete entire circuit and repeat.

Squats with Dumbbells x 12 reps
Decline Push Ups (feet on a Swiss Ball) x 10 reps
Jump Squats x 30 seconds

Walking Lunges with Dumbbells x 12 reps each leg
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press on Swiss ball x 10 reps each arm
Jump Rope x 30 seconds

Reverse Lunges x 12 reps each leg
Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Jump Squats x 30 seconds

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Dead lifts x 12 reps
Close Grip Push Ups x 10 reps
Jump Rope x 30 seconds
Rest x 30 seconds

I would then include 15 minutes of High Intensity Interval Training 3 times per week done after 3 of the above workouts, which would consist of:

Hill or flat Sprinting – 30 seconds
Slow walk down the hill or back to start – 60 seconds
Repeat this 10 times

On the other 3 days I would include 30 to 60 minutes of hiking (power walking/jogging), swimming or even cycling. Whatever exercise you enjoy that will keep you active.

With any workout plan your nutrition is just as important. Include 5 small meals each day. Breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack and dinner.

Eat protein with each meal, so for example eggs, chicken breasts, lean meat, fish, nuts and pulses. Include carbohydrates with your protein. So lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, staying away from heavy carbohydrates (brown rice, brown pasta) in the evenings and focusing on vegetables with your chicken, fish or lean meat.

Always stay away from processed foods and only eat healthy, natural and nutritious foods.

Eating well and following the workouts that I have mentioned will have you looking hot and sexy for your summer vacation. You may not get Cameron’s body but you’ll be proud to show off the one you’ve got.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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Sunday 12 July 2009

The Flat Stomach Solution Do Anywhere Workout

This week I wanted to share with you my complete workout that I do when I'm away.

I like to call it ‘The do anywhere workout’...

This was done in my friend’s garden using only my own bodyweight and it's an excellent complete body workout that helps you get flat abs too!

So next time you are away from home for business or for pleasure, make sure you stay on track and give this workout a shot.

Firstly I did a 5 minute warm up of jogging on the spot followed by a few press ups.

Fast Squats x 40
Decline Press ups x 20
Squat Thrusts x 25
Push Ups x 20
Squat Jumps x 25
Close Grip Press Ups x 20
Jump Lunges x 15 each leg
Plank – hold for 1 minute

I then rested for 30 seconds and repeated the workout for a total of 3 sets.

After I had finished, I made sure that I stretched thoroughly!

So, next time you go away take this workout with you, I guarantee your body will feel fitter and leaner by the end.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sunday 5 July 2009

Stay On Track With Your Diet Whilst You are Away

This weekend I was lucky enough to spend some time in London. It was great to catch up with old friends and visit a couple of nice restaurants during my trip.

When I go away, I like to be prepared with what I eat. Don’t get me wrong, I love nothing more than to allow myself a couple of treats but I always leave it at that!

What’s the point in training so hard during the week (that includes eating clean), if I’m going to blow it all at the weekend by consuming more calories in two days than I do over the entire week?....

I thought I’d share my 5 rules that I always stick by when I go away either for a couple of days or a couple of weeks.

1. Eating 5 small meals a day, exactly as you should every other day of the week. This will keep your blood sugar levels from crashing, which will banish any hunger pains.

2. Always take snacks with you in your bag containing a combination of carbohydrates and protein, again this goes back to your blood sugar levels. Try 10 raw almonds and an apple.

3. Always stay hydrated. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go. Sometimes dehydration can be confused with hunger. Try drinking some to see if it curbs your appetite.

4. When you are eating in a restaurant make the right choices. For example I decided to have an avocado and crayfish salad for lunch, it came with a pesto and oil dressing so I asked for it on the side. I didn’t completely deprive myself, I allowed myself one teaspoon of the dressing. This was a delicious, clean, balanced meal and contained a minimal amount of calories and fat.

5. As I mentioned I did have a couple of treats and one of them was a slice of chocolate truffle cake in my favourite patisserie. When I ordered it I asked for two plates and shared the slice with my friend. There’s no point in saying I’ll only eat half when it arrives because that will never happen. If it’s not on the plate you can’t eat it! Whether its cake or a glass of wine, enjoy it but control the amount and work it in (to your daily calories), then burn it off.

That’s how I enjoy myself when I’m away. Let us all know if you have any tricks that you use when you go away. Have a great week and I’ll be back the same time next week with my ‘Do Anywhere Workout'.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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