Sunday 30 August 2009

Lose the Stubborn Stomach Fat

I had a very interesting question from a friend on Facebook a couple of days ago and it’s also one of the most popular questions I get from my clients.

“How can I get rid of my stomach fat?"

Well, my answer to that is you CAN’T spot reduce!

It’s impossible to spot-reduce fat from one particular area of your body. The region of the body that first reveals a noticeable decrease in body fat is pre-determined and is established by a person’s unique genetics.

Targeting certain areas of your body will not make fat disappear…

The only way you are going to get rid of those annoying lumps are from a total body attack. This means a full body workout targeting every muscle on your body.

As you may or may not know I love to tackle this with my power circuit training, so an upper body exercise followed by a lower body exercise and so on. There are four exercises per circuit and usually three circuits but this can change depending on how hard I want my client to work. Oh and there’s no rest in between circuits, hence the term ‘body attack’!

It works every time!

Remember your nutrition is 80% of the battle when it comes to losing weight. It doesn’t matter how hard you workout if you aren’t going to eat right, it just ain’t gonna work!

For a sure fire way to melt that stomach fat, try The Flat Stomach Solution body transformation system.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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Sunday 23 August 2009

4 Tips for a Fat Burning Metabolism

I’d like to share a little story with you…

Before I got into the fitness industry, I worked in the corporate world. I was a suit wearing, soda drinking, chocolate eating overweight unhealthy woman!

My metabolism was on the floor and as for exercise; I’m ashamed to say that came and went depending on how energetic I felt and to be honest with you that was pretty rare!

I wish someone had told me how to geta fat burning metabolism.

So, I thought I’d share with you my 4 tips.

1. Always eat breakfast!
As the age old saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you know what, it is! Studies have shown that eating ‘break (the) fast’ may increase your metabolism by 10%.

2. Always eat 5 meals each day
Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. This will stabilize your blood sugars level and stop hunger pains. By doing this you will keep your metabolism working at top speed, so that you will be burning maximum amount of calories throughout the day.

3. Interval training
This is one of the best ways to train, short bursts of fast cardio followed by a slow recovery period which can all be completed in around 15 – 20 minutes. Intervals are so great that your metabolism will be spiked way after you’ve actually finished working out.

4. Weight training
Weight training stimulates your muscles to become stronger and healthier, providing your body with beneficial improvements in strength and function. Weight training also burns body fat and increases lean muscle mass, so the more muscle you have the faster you will burn fat. This is because muscle is more metabolically active than fat so replacing your fat with muscle helps you turn the wobble into wow!

There you have it, follow these 4 tips and your metabolism will be so fired up that your body will be a fat burning furnace.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Sunday 16 August 2009

The Flat Stomach Solution Eating Plan Principles

Let me ask you a question…

Do you also think there’s more and more confusing and contradictory information out there on how to lose weight?

I was in my local book store recently and I must have seen at least 200 books, each of them offering a different diet solution! There was low fat, high carbs, no carbs and then the usual suspects the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, and the fruit only diet to the breakfast cereal diet, the list went on and on.

Maybe you are one of those women who have tried countless diets over the years? Perhaps the diet worked over the period that you were actually on it but when you started to reintroduce foods that you previously eliminated the weight started to creep back on, plus quite a few extra pounds and you were back to square one! Am I right?

Diets are tricky things, promising us one thing and before you know it giving us a hell of a lot more than we expected.

If diets worked, wouldn’t we all be following the same one and seeing amazing results that we would never need to follow any other for the rest of our lives?

We must remember that we are human and can’t possibly go through each and every day depriving ourselves, not only the occasional treat but the correct amount of calories we need to survive on each day.

I’ve had many women come to me over the years and say that they have been on a diet for most of their adult life, which is incredibly disheartening. Life is for living and enjoying, not for following a strict diet plan 24/7! Unfortunately with all these women their metabolisms have taken a severe battering because of the constant ‘yo yo’ dieting that they have put their bodies through over the years. Each time that they have gone onto a new diet their metabolisms slow down, which as we know the body then starts to store more fat which for any woman trying to lose weight, this process is a viscous cycle!

I’m going to confess now; I’ve come up with the most amazing diet plan that actually works! It’s called ‘The Healthy Eating Plan’. It nourishes your body each day with wholesome nutritious foods.

It doesn’t contain anything that is processed, so nothing that comes in a box or a packet and when you look at the ingredients you can actually pronounce them because nothing is man made.

The healthy eating plan contains all varieties of fresh fruit and vegetables. 100% whole grains, brown rice, brown pasta, millet, quiona. Lean red meats, chicken and fresh fish. Also raw nuts, seeds, pulses and legumes. Whenever possible go with organic produce.

You must eat five times a day, breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner.

The great thing about this diet plan is it’s so easy to follow and you definitely don’t deprive yourself, in fact I insist that you have a treat meal once a week.

I guarantee that you will have more energy, your skin and hair will look glowing and most importantly you will feel amazing!

This is how I eat, why don’t you give it a try and see some real results!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Sunday 9 August 2009

A Day in the Life of My Diet

I’ve received a number of questions over the past few weeks regarding diets, how often should you eat, how much, and what are the best foods for fat loss?

Maybe you’re one of the people who was kind enough to email me?... If so, this is for you.

I thought the best way to approach this is to give you an example of what I would eat over one day.

Oatmeal – ½ cup
Fat free milk – ½ cup
1 tsp acacia honey
Blueberries – ½ cup

1 Whole egg
2 Egg whites

Snack 1
4 Celery sticks (with)
2 tsp organic natural peanut butter

Free range organic chicken breast
(portion size equal to my palm)
Baby spinach (1 cup)
Plum tomato’s (½ cup)
½ Avocado

Homemade dressing for salad
½ squeezed lemon
½ tsp extra virgin olive oil
Sprinkle of ground black pepper
½ tsp Dijon mustard
Mix together & drizzle over the salad

Snack 2
1 organic apple
12 raw almonds

Organic salmon – bake in oven
(portion size equal to my palm)
½ Roasted pepper
½ Roasted courgette (zucchini)
Sprinkle of roasted red onion & garlic
Steamed broccoli

Drinks (throughout the day)
4 cups green tea
3L water

Eating this way keeps my blood sugar stable throughout the day and controls any bad cravings. It also keeps my metabolism working at top speed, which as we all know is the key to fat burning!...

As you already know I always opt for natural wholesome foods and whenever I can, I go for organic.

I hope this has answered your questions and remember,

Sunday 2 August 2009

How to Slow the Ageing Process!

I was talking to an online coaching client a couple of days ago about celebrity bodies and she was telling me that the only thing that was important to her was losing the fat and looking fabulous for her college reunion which is coming up at the end of September..

I told her that wouldn’t be a problem if she was willing to put 100% commitment into her training and diet! But I also pointed out that she’ll get more than just smoking hot.

So I thought I’d share with you what I told her. It’s great to have a hot and toned body that you are proud to show off but there’s soooo many more benefits that you should consider!

Taking care of our body by exercising and nourishing it, will most importantly bring us strength and agility especially as we get older because let’s face it, it happens to all of us.

A healthy and strong body will help us grow old gracefully. In turn it will help to fight off illnesses, disease, aches, pains and the usual suspects that come with getting older.

Your body is an amazing tool that you must always treat with respect and by doing so; it will return the favour by keeping you looking and feeling amazing as the years progress.

So next time you are in front of the mirror putting your face cream on, ask yourself if you’ve done your best that day to slow the aging process naturally by eating a healthy nutritious diet and exercising, beats creams any day!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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