Wednesday 8 December 2010

Give the Gift of Health This Christmans

The gift of good health is probably the best gift you can give someone besides love.

Here's some Christmas gifts I recommend for family and friends or even yourself!

1. The Flat Stomach Solution Recipe Book

Take control of your diet with the Recipe Book and enjoy recipes that are suitable for all types of diet, there’s something for everyone in here!

Every aspect of your new lifestyle nutrition plan is taken care of with drinks, snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner and a whole host of tips and advice that you don’t get from any other recipe book.

The book is also packed with tips on how to stock your kitchen, delicious recipes that guarantee your diet will be packed full of foods that nourish your body!

If you have barely cooked a thing in your life so far then this book will really help you to discover your kitchen and what it’s meant to be used for! If you are used to cooking but generally heavy fat laden foods then this book will be your nutritional saviour and show you the wonderful foods that can still satisfy but truly help you get the weight loss results you want to see.

Get your copy of The Flat Stomach Solution recipe book for just $20
**This offer is only available until December 24th 2010!

Click here now to order your copy of The Flat Stomach Solution Recipe Book

2. An iTunes gift card – great for adding new workout music to an iPod.

3. Amazon Kindle - The perfect partner to your e-book collection and ideal for storing and using your copy of The Flat Stomach Solution Recipe Book.

4. Health shop voucher – fantastic for buying items such as raw almonds, almond milk, green tea, the list is endless. No excuses for eating rubbish foods going into 2011.

5. Massage or a facial – what better way to spoil yourself or a loved one, indulging in one of these little beauties after a hard workout is wonderful.

6. A Blender - I know this is not the most inspiring gift to buy someone but it is an awesome thing to have in the house. I use mine virtually every day, I whip up Smoothie’s and soups in no time at all and if you're looking to lead a healthy lifestyle then this is one tool no one do without!

There you have it, a list of presents that guarantee to get smiles on the big festive day….

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Thursday 18 November 2010

How to Avoid Energy Dips

As the winter comes, you may start to crave more comfort foods and your hope of achieving a flat stomach by the end of the year could fall by the way side!

You may find that your energy levels tend to dip around 3-4pm each day and all you want to do is dive head first into the nearest box of donuts.

Well help is at hand, I’ve put together my 6 top tips to stop you hitting the floor by mid-afternoon and to keep those extra pounds at bay.

Keeping you on the straight road to a flat stomach.

Avoid the energy dip to get a flat stomach

1. Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is breaking the fast after a number of hours of not eating; your body is craving nutrients to get it going. A good breakfast is vital in the morning and will set you up until your next meal. Slow releasing carbs are perfect, so go for oatmeal with some eggs on the side or perhaps throw some mixed berries onto your oatmeal. An Omelet with some spinach and peppers is also a great breakfast.

2. Caffeine
Limit the amount of coffee or tea that you consume each day to 1 cup of either coffee or tea. Caffeine is a stimulant and once you’ve had the high then the inevitable low will come, making you feel more tired than when you first started. Avoid drinking caffeine after lunch time as you certainly don’t want it to interfere with your sleep at the end of the day.

3. Snacking
Once you’ve had your breakfast in the morning you want to make sure that you keep your energy levels up by eating every 3 hours. So what you’re looking for is 5 small meals each day. Your mid-morning snack or your mid-afternoon snack should include a piece of fruit with some almonds or a few sticks or celery with some natural peanut butter.

4. Water
Always keep a bottle of water with you at all times, you’re looking to aim for at least 2 litres every day and remember this needs to increase the more active you become. Sometimes when you are feeling hungry you need to think when your last meal was, if it’s less than 3 hours then drink some water. Feeling hungry can sometimes mean that you haven’t drunk enough.

5. Food on the go
Keeping readily available snacks with you at all times is vital when you’re aiming for a flat stomach. Having your own foods means that you don’t need to even consider eating junk foods as you have your own healthy foods at hand.

6. The correct mix of foods
When you are eating healthy carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, brown rice, brown pasta, always have a protein source to eat along side them. When you eat carbs on their own your blood sugar levels tend to spike but when you combine them with proteins your blood sugar levels will be kept at a consistent level, they basically balance each other out. Keeping your energy levels up for far longer.

There you go my top tips that will stop you from reaching for the junk foods mid-afternoon and by doing this you will achieve a beautiful flat stomach quicker than you think.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

The Flat Stomach Solution

Saturday 6 November 2010

Emotional Eating & The Flat Stomach Solution

Is emotional eating stopping you from fitting into your skinny jeans and wearing your clothes with confidence?

I have a friend who is in the process of going through a divorce and she confessed to me that she’s been using food to help her cope with all the stress.

Emotional eating is a stressful fat builder that can lead to not only weight gain but also confidence loss.

I’ve helped my friend stop her stomach from bulging out over her bottoms in a short amount of time and right now she’s where she needs to be, healthy, gaining confidence by the day, feeling and looking hot…hot…HOT!

The major challenges in life can often make you turn to food and until you gain control of what goes on in your head, it will always be difficult to gain control of what goes into your mouth.

Sue was able to take control and turn a negative into a positive with support from me as a friend and as a personal trainer but also with a heavy measure of self-worth and a desire to be the woman she had left behind when she got married.

My friends passion for change and a new beginning pushed her to contact me and I happily obliged by giving her my complete transformation package The Flat Stomach Solution.

She got copies of "The Flat Stomach Solution" (85 pages of expert advice), "The Flat Stomach Solution Recipe Book" (49 pages of mouth-watering recipes) and the bonus books The Fastest Fat Burning Solution Known to Women, Advanced Abs Workout and The 10 Minute Bodyweight Workout.

Within just 8 weeks Sue had beaten her emotional eating blues and had turned her bulging belly into a svelte sexy stomach.

If you check out my own personal journey you’ll see that I was once just like my friend, although divorce wasn’t my emotional eating trigger, mine was just every day stressors like a bad day at work or an argument with a loved one.

But Sue and myself are both living proof that with a little desire, a bit of work and a lot of fun, you can actually make the changes you want and discover a different side of life you didn’t even realize was there for you!

You can never afford to stop taking care of yourself. “It’s not selfish, it’s sensible”!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Wednesday 22 September 2010

6 Tips to Keep You on Your Weight Loss Plan

How are you doing on your personal goals so far this year? We all struggle to stay on track sometimes; even I have to adjust my steps on the path towards my goals regardless of how ‘together’ I think I am!

Yesterday I made myself a large cup of green tea and sat down in my sunny courtyard to go through my goals for 2010.

I asked myself how far I had come, if I was on the right track and what changes I needed to make.

Mostly I was on track but there were a couple of areas that I needed to adjust...

Those two areas are, ensuring I make time for me and losing some extra body fat. I find it hard to make time for myself as I’m so passionate about what I do it’s hard to focus the same attention on me.

I'm almost there losing some extra body fat but focusing more time on me would definitely help!

Because I took time to revisit my goals I was able to see the changes that needed to be made and because I want to continually move forward and improve myself I wrote down my goals to commit to that change.

So, more importantly how are you doing with your goals?

Are you on track?

If you're like me and you're finding yourself slightly off track, then it's time for you to sit down with your list of goals and a pad and pen.

Read through each of your goals and beside them write down what steps you have taken towards them...

Have you lost the 6, 12, 25 pounds you hoped to when you started at the beginning of 2010.

Can you fit into your little black dress, ready for the party season that's fast approaching?

Are you eating healthier, have you stopped eating processed foods and now only treating yourself once a week.

Have you picked up that extra workout session or started to get up earlier like you promised yourself?

If you are on track with your goals then that is fantastic news.

You're definitely an inspiration...

But if you're like me and perhaps come off track; then it’s time to adjust your goals and stir yourself back to making real, lasting changes on your journey towards success.

The great news is you have over 16 weeks left in 2010 to nail them.

Write down your reasons for not getting started on a goal or not following it through to the end target.

Have you given yourself unrealistic goals, if so then rewrite them so you will be able to achieve them in the next few weeks and if that goal needs to continue into 2011 then so be it.

Success is born out of habit, so although the changes may seem like a chore, it will be worth the effort in the end and the more you attack it the more it will become part of your routine just like brushing your teeth.

It's important to remember not to start thinking or talking to yourself in a negative way if you're not on track right now; we all have to adjust our goals along the way until we reach the outcome of our desire...

Good luck and let me know if I can help in anyway.

I'm always here ready to motivate, support and stir you back on course towards your goals.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating

Sunday 5 September 2010

Your Cellulite Solution

This week has been a fun packed!

I’m currently working on a few projects which I am excited to share with you over the next couple of months.

So watch this space…

The sun has finally returned to the UK, so shorts are definitely back on…

On that note it brings me very nicely into cellulite and the cellulite solution.

Thankfully it’s not just you and me that it affects but Jennifer Aniston and Katy Perry have both been spotted with dimpled thighs and butts…

In fact cellulite affects over 90% of women which can be made worse by a poor diet high in fat and processed foods, to raised stress levels and an inactive lifestyle.

Cellulite isn’t just found on overweight women, in fact it can be found on woman of any size and weight but the more body fat you have the more you will be able to see the cellulite.

The cottage cheese appearance is caused by fibrous cords that connect the skin to underlying muscle. The fat lies in between the muscle and the skin. As the fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the cords pull down.

This creates the uneven surface or orange peel effect.

So what is the cellulite solution?

The first important defense against cellulite is to clean up your diet, eliminating any processed foods that may have come in a box or a packet.

Also remove any high fat foods and start including fresh organic vegetables and fruit to your diet with lean grass fed meats, fresh fish and pulses. Stay away from soda and drink water to improve circulation.

Here's a great idea and something that I do every week. Go to your local farmers market, most towns have one. I buy organic eggs, organic fruit & vegetables and wild mushrooms which are one of my favourite buys.

Have a look for your local farmers market and next time it’s on; get yourself there…

The next thing you need to get onto is exercise.

Remember I said the more body fat you have the more you can see the cellulite regardless of your body shape and size!

Include full body workouts 3 times each week; try my metabolic circuit training and 2 interval training sessions.

These will help you to reduce body fat and keep you toned and lean helping you to banish cellulite.

One particular treatment you need to avoid is expensive cellulite reducing cream.
Creams have never been proven to reduce cellulite so please don’t waste your money.

There you have the one and only "cellulite solution" you’ll ever need.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Your Flat Stomach Solution this Summer

For lasting results with weight loss you need to hold yourself accountable.

Here's a fantastic flat stomach solution to help you stay motivated along your transformation jouney.

Take a photo of yourself

This will serve as a personal daily motivator.

You know what they say, the camera never lies!

If you're not happy with what you see in the mirror and the clothes don't fit right anymore, then you definitely need to take this worthwhile action and push the button on your camera!

Taking a 'before' photo of yourself is one of the ultimate motivators when it comes to changing your body.

You must have a visual when you begin your new healthy lifestyle or when you just need to refresh your mindset on the path to a healthier you.

The photo is for your eyes and your eyes only, but I suggest you put it up in a place where you can see it every single day. Take time to really look at your photo and see the personal changes you need to make in order to realise your goals.

When you look in the mirror your perception of how you see yourself can get distorted...

But your photo of you will never lie; it will show you the truth about your body and what physical changes it needs to become toned, healthy and stronger.

You will have the photo to look back at when perhaps you're feeling unmotivated to carry on and wondering why you are doing all this in the first place.

You're worth the effort and you deserve the changes that will come.

You will be reminded of the choice you have made and the journey you are on to a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Your photo will also be great for you to remember where you started and to see how far you have come...

That small photo of you can hold huge powers in motivating you towards your goals and to achieving lasting changes once and for all.

Set the pre-snap on your camera or get someone to take the picture for you and take a full length picture of you facing forward wearing either just your underwear or some short shorts and your sports bra.

If you're digital then you could even use the picture as your screen saver or background at home!

That's not all...there's more you can do to get lasting results!

Discover more at ->

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

Download Your Copy TODAY! =>

Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating

Saturday 26 June 2010

Lose Stomach Fat at the Grocery Store!

Did you know that you can literally lose stomach fat at your local grocery store?

Did you also know that you can put on layers and layers of 'stomach fat' in that very same store?

One of my main chores that I do every weekend is visit my local grocery store to stock up on fresh fish, lean meats, fruits and vegetables for the week ahead…

This weekend though it seemed far busier than usual and gave me a chance to people watch and have a good look at what they were putting in their shopping cart.

I’d say that at least 65% of the people in the store were obese, and looking in their shopping carts it wasn’t difficult to see why.

I saw lots of carts filled up with stuff like cakes, white breads, ready meals, bottles and bottles of soda.

With each cart I walked past the list of processed and ‘junk’ foods just went on and on…

These are foods that helped them get to the unhealthy size they are today but I guess they just don’t know any different or they’re happy to violate their body with that crap!

Do you stop to think about what you’re putting in to your shopping cart?

Is it 80% ‘halo’ and 20% ‘oh no’ or is it the other way around?!?!?!

Healthy groceries in a shopping cart

It’s become apparent over the past 10 years working with so many clients, and what’s shown in the media that stomach fat that creates the muffin top is now a huge problem area for women.

Gone are the days when we think it’s just men that have a ‘beer belly’, alarmingly we are seeing more and more women with this problem.

Gaining fat around your belly is not only disheartening but it’s also extremely unhealthy, more so than any other area of your body!

Excess stomach fat increases your chances of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and diabetes.

Many women think that the stomach fat is limited to the amount of physical flab you can grab with your hand but it’s the stomach fat that you can’t see that is a major issue.

There are two types of fat that I’m talking about and the first one is visceral fat.

Visceral fat lies deep in your abdomen which surrounds your internal organs. When you gain this type of fat big problems can start and if you don’t make changes quickly this can lead to serious health issues that can be fatal!

The second type of fat is located between the skin and the abdominal wall and that’s the subcutaneous fat.

This is a lot more visible and can be measured with callipers to give you an indication of how much body fat you are carrying.

It certainly doesn’t cause problems like Visceral fat does but having too much of it definitely won’t give you a sexy flat stomach or the confidence to wear the clothes you want.

If you’re experiencing this problem then help is at hand.

The good news is that with certain lifestyle changes you can start to burn stomach fat right at the grocery store and beyond!

Here’s what to do to start to Burn Stomach Fat TODAY!

1. Plan your meals, write a weekly menu, change it regularly and keep a food diary

2. Go grocery shopping either after breakfast or lunch, never shop on an empty stomach
(That includes clothes and shoe shopping; the hunger will make you spend more!)

3. An area that rarely moves in the store is the fruit and veg section, so make sure this is your first stop and fill your cart up with a variety of both and add lots of color!

4. There one S that’s in and one S that’s out ~ Spices are in and Salt is OUT!!

5. Stick to 80% HALO and 20% OH NO ~ Translation 80% of the time be good about the choices you make and then 20% of the time if you slip up it’s ok, we all do!

6. Choose to make fresh wholesome dishes rather than something that’s been made by a machine in a factory and put in a box for you to throw in the microwave.

7. Do it for the right reasons, for you and for your health because if you don’t have your health, then you don’t have you!

8. NEVER eat a takeout meal, it’s lazy eating and piles on the stomach fat, unless of course you have a great juice bar, health shop or salad bar near where you can fill up on nutritious delights to takeout!

You know this already but I’m going to tell you anyway.

Get Your Body Moving on a daily basis. Incorporating both resistance training and cardio training into circuits are fantastic tools to lose stomach fat. Also include 3 interval training sessions each week and you are definitely on a winner.

So next time you do your grocery shop be sure to keep it fresh, clean and vibrant!

Once you start to make these small changes you will have far more energy, your skin will glow and you will totally start to feel healthy.

No more muffin top, just you feeling on top of the world!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Monday 17 May 2010

Lose Belly Fat by Getting Better Quality Sleep

Who here has trouble sleeping? I see your hand raised there, well me too. I’d say at least once every three weeks I really struggle with sleeping well.

The reason so many of us don’t sleep better is usually due to a million and one things going around in our heads. Lately mine has been caused by making plans for my growing business.

Like a carousel of thoughts making you toss and turn wishing it would stop so you can get off and get some shut eye!

Getting enough quality sleep is vital to your mental and physical wellbeing.

That's why it is used in interrogation, lack of sleep or lack of quality sleep really can make you lose control of your thoughts and actions very quickly!

If you’re not getting between seven to eight hours each night, it can have a negative effect on your body increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and lowering the ability tolose belly fat.

The main reason for lack of sleep having this effect on your body is because your hormonal system regulates and resets your body at night and that is so important for your daytime wellbeing.

Sleep deprivation can play havoc with your hormones that regulate your metabolism and hunger levels.

Leptin tells you when you are full, when these levels drop because you aren’t getting enough sleep you are much more likely to over eat the next day.

On the other side, Ghrelin stimulates your appetite and when you haven’t had enough zzzz, your cravings will shoot through the roof and the desire for calorie dense high foods will increase, making it difficult once again to lose belly fat.

Your immune system is far more active at night. When you sleep your body releases proteins called cytokines, which means that if there are any unwelcome invaders in your body it has a better chances of fighting them off, keeping you nice and healthy.

Where as, if you don’t sleep enough you are more likely to catch infections.

Your skin increases the rate of production of new cells when you are in a deep sleep, as it receives extra supplies of blood. When this process takes place it gives you glowing skin, helping you look radiant and healthy.

Help is at hand to ensure you sleep better and lose belly fat in the process.

Just follow these 6 tips coupled with a healthy nutritious diet and lots of flat stomach exercises and you’ll be feeling and looking your best in no time.

1. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, even at the weekends. By doing this you will get your body into a regular routine which it will really appreciate, helping you sleep better.

2. Create a relaxing environment in your bedroom. It is very important for you to clear out any clutter that may be taking up space or causing a distraction. Remember your bedroom is for sleeping and of course having some fun.

3. Keep distractions out of the bedroom. Never take work with you to bed, leave it at the office! Try not to watch TV in bed or read papers with negative information in before going to sleep.

4. This is a very old remedy but an extremely effective one; drink a cup of camomile tea before you hit the sheets.

5. Dim the lights and run a warm bath with a few drops of essential oils added, neroli, rose or lavender all work wonders.

6. Add a couple of drops of lavender oil to your pillow. This is my favorite and it works a treat.

*please note: Although essential oils and aromatherapy can be conducive to relaxation, better sleep and good health, care must be taken when using them with certain existing medical conditions. Please check prior to use!

Sweet dreams.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Tuesday 4 May 2010

How to Stop Emotional Eating

"Emotional Eating" seems now to be part and parcel of our highly demanding lives but you can take control and discover how to stop emotional eating forever!

Do you find it a struggle not to reach for some form of 'comfort food' every time you've had a bad day or someone's caught you off guard?

I struggle to find any woman these days who's not trying to juggle 10 things at once and focusing so hard on balancing everything that the one thing that gets left out is her own needs and desires.

The pressure is on you to be all things, to all people, except yourself right?

This pressure is bound to build up and focus it's attention on one area or another and lets our emotions boil over into reaching for chips, chocolate, large amounts of 'anything' or many large glasses of alcohol!

You 'think' that consuming 'stuff' will make it all better, at least make you 'feel' better, until you realise the aftermath of letting your emotions let you eat your way to putting on additional weight and not fitting into your clothes anymore!

Emotional eating is the act of consuming large quantities of food or high level content foods know as ‘comfort’ and ‘junk foods’ with response to 'feelings’ instead of a response to actual hunger.

It is estimated that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions.

As an Emotional Eater you may find it difficult to stick to any eating plan for long. When life’s struggles become too much, it doesn’t matter how well you have done and how much you have achieved, you will reach for the bad foods as a coping mechanism every time.

You are not alone, we all do it, I did it and pretty much every woman I know does it!

But support is here for you, I have used these stratergies for years and if I can beat it then trust me, you can beat this vicious cycle too!

In the book I have developed 5 stratergies so you take can take control today and begin to accept food as the nourishing source it should be and not the emotional crutch it may have become.

Sign Up for your FREE copy of the book by simply filling in your name and e-mail in the box at the top of the page and we'll send you your copy to download today!

Start making lasting chages and Stop Emotional Eating for good!

Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

Download Your Copy TODAY! =>

Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Get a Firm Butt With These Bodyweight Butt Exercises

The time has come for us all to focus a little more training time on our butt!

It's time for you to throw off the layers of winter clothes and show a little more skin as the weather heats up.

I have put together some bodyweight butt exercises to make sure your lower body is firm and strong for the summer months and beyond.

There's no excuse here because you can do these bodyweight exercises anywhere, that's right, anywhere!!

Having a well toned butt is also important because strong gluteal muscles help to stabilize your lower back, hips and also your legs.

Here are your bodyweight butt exercises that will have you ready to show more skin in no time at all.

This workout is ideal for the 'time challenged' because you can fit it in to your week, right along side your current workout.

Perform the bodyweight butt workout twice each week for 1 month.

With each butt exercise do 15 reps.
Complete each exercise one after the other without any rest.
Then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the entire circuit 3 more times.

As always make sure you warm up before going into the main workout.
Run on the spot for 3-4 minutes and then complete 8 reps of squats.

Side Step-ups
Forward Lunges
Sumo Squats
One Leg Deadlift
Lying Hip Extension
Reverse Lunges

I’m sharing this great way to incorporate more "butt exercises" into your life so you can spread the word and let all your girl friends in on your secret.

Firm butt + strong back = Powerful, fit woman!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

Download Your Copy TODAY! =>

Monday 12 April 2010

Motivate Your Way to a Sexy Flat Stomach

Hey, I know you guys love the motivation and as you know I’m all about motivation so I wanted to share this with you for next time you’re at a cross roads when it comes to working out, to work out or not to…

...that is the question!

Do you often find when you are feeling low or tired it’s always your fitness plan that gets thrown to one side?

It’s never a shopping trip or a special date with your sofa and the TV!

Why is that?

Because it’s an instant and easy choice, great in the moment but a poor decision in the long term when trying to gain a sexy flat stomach.

You know that once you get started with your workout you’ll start to feel better, energized almost immediately and once you’ve finished you’ll feel on top of the world, ready to take on anything life has to throw at you.

You want to make the right choices when faced with this kind of decision.

Here’s my sure fire plan that you should start to follow from today.

I guarantee it works and I want you to achieve your goals as much as you do.

Stick with me and we’ll have you interval training down the right path in no time…

1. Set realistic goals – Daily, weekly and Monthly

Write down which days you are going to work out, at what time and exactly which type of workout you are going to do.

What do you want to have achieved at the end of each week. Lost 2 pounds? Worked out 3 times? Or perhaps added an extra set to your workout?

For your monthly goals, achieved all of your weekly goals? Lost 7 pounds? Fitted into your tank top for the summer?

Having clear achievable goals will motivate you to continue.

2. Reward Yourself

This is one of my favourites and something that I have always done right from the beginning of my own personal weight loss journey.

Each time you achieve a weekly and monthly goal, reward yourself with a healthy treat.

A manicure, a massage, a new pair of shoes.

Bonus, they don’t contain any fat!

Make the rewards something that will make you feel special. Write these down next to your weekly and monthly goals.

3. Short Workouts

You don’t want to be working out for hours at a time. Resistance based circuits that target your entire body and only take 30 minutes are the way to go.

Before you know it, the workout is finished, which is far more motivating than thinking I’ve still got another hour to go!

This is also the case for long boring cardio sessions. Focus on interval training that is proven to give you faster results and can take between 10 – 15 minutes. Also, it's the best way to ensure you blast away the stomach fat and let your sexy flat stomach show through.

Try doing 30 seconds of fast running or if you are a beginner 30 seconds of power walking followed by 1 minute of recovery (slow walk). Repeat this 10 times and if you are a beginner 6 times.

4. Variety is the Spice of Life

This is the key to your success. Always mix up your workouts every four weeks, not only will this constantly challenge your body but it will stop you hitting a plateau, keeping your workout energy packed and enjoyable.

I like to throw in a couple of yoga classes each week, mountain biking and hiking in addition to my interval training and resistance based circuits.

Not only is it great for all round fitness but it keeps things fresh.

5. Accountability

This means that you won’t be following your health and fitness journey alone. Having a workout buddy is a great way to stay on track.

When you have a day where you just can’t be bothered, it’s much harder to know that you are letting down your workout buddy far more than just skipping your workout.

Always remember that leading a healthy lifestyle, must be fun and enjoyable. As you want to continue with it for the rest of your life, not just a couple of months.

As my motto goes, fitness doesn’t have to take over your life, it just has to be a part of it.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Take Out Toxins and Boost Your Metabolism

Discover how to take out the toxins and boost your metabolism.

There are so many metabolism wrecking toxins out there these days, which can be found in processed foods, pesticides on our foods, sodas, alcohol to our everyday cleaning products and face and body creams.

They are everywhere….

These nasty little things are purposely destroying your chances of achieving a healthy lean body…..

They completely mess with your hormones by harming your endocrine system.
The endocrine system is one of your body’s communication systems, it uses hormones to tell the body what to do and it’s closely linked to your nervous system.

They can cause diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism and so many more problems.

Start removing these toxins from your life today…..

Firstly, cut out any processed foods completely. Look at the ingredients on the foods you’re eating, what do they contain? Look for hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup basically ingredients you cannot pronounce. Any processed foods that you put in the microwave or that comes in a packet or a box, stop eating them because they are nothing more than rubbish which you are putting into your body on a daily basis.

Instead eat fresh whole foods that are natural and will nourish your body. Try and opt for organic foods as much as you can, especially when it comes to your fruit and vegetables.

As for the cleaning products that you use for your home, replace them with natural cleaning products that don’t contain toxins. There’s definitely a good range to choose from these days or you can even prepare them yourself at half the cost.

The same goes for your beauty products, go for the natural products every time. Your skin is the largest organ on your body, let it breath and keep it looking young and pure by treating it to the best toxin buster out there, water! Water in, toxins out, simple.

Cut the toxins out of your life and I guarantee you will start to feel the benefits.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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