Wednesday 22 September 2010

6 Tips to Keep You on Your Weight Loss Plan

How are you doing on your personal goals so far this year? We all struggle to stay on track sometimes; even I have to adjust my steps on the path towards my goals regardless of how ‘together’ I think I am!

Yesterday I made myself a large cup of green tea and sat down in my sunny courtyard to go through my goals for 2010.

I asked myself how far I had come, if I was on the right track and what changes I needed to make.

Mostly I was on track but there were a couple of areas that I needed to adjust...

Those two areas are, ensuring I make time for me and losing some extra body fat. I find it hard to make time for myself as I’m so passionate about what I do it’s hard to focus the same attention on me.

I'm almost there losing some extra body fat but focusing more time on me would definitely help!

Because I took time to revisit my goals I was able to see the changes that needed to be made and because I want to continually move forward and improve myself I wrote down my goals to commit to that change.

So, more importantly how are you doing with your goals?

Are you on track?

If you're like me and you're finding yourself slightly off track, then it's time for you to sit down with your list of goals and a pad and pen.

Read through each of your goals and beside them write down what steps you have taken towards them...

Have you lost the 6, 12, 25 pounds you hoped to when you started at the beginning of 2010.

Can you fit into your little black dress, ready for the party season that's fast approaching?

Are you eating healthier, have you stopped eating processed foods and now only treating yourself once a week.

Have you picked up that extra workout session or started to get up earlier like you promised yourself?

If you are on track with your goals then that is fantastic news.

You're definitely an inspiration...

But if you're like me and perhaps come off track; then it’s time to adjust your goals and stir yourself back to making real, lasting changes on your journey towards success.

The great news is you have over 16 weeks left in 2010 to nail them.

Write down your reasons for not getting started on a goal or not following it through to the end target.

Have you given yourself unrealistic goals, if so then rewrite them so you will be able to achieve them in the next few weeks and if that goal needs to continue into 2011 then so be it.

Success is born out of habit, so although the changes may seem like a chore, it will be worth the effort in the end and the more you attack it the more it will become part of your routine just like brushing your teeth.

It's important to remember not to start thinking or talking to yourself in a negative way if you're not on track right now; we all have to adjust our goals along the way until we reach the outcome of our desire...

Good luck and let me know if I can help in anyway.

I'm always here ready to motivate, support and stir you back on course towards your goals.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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Sunday 5 September 2010

Your Cellulite Solution

This week has been a fun packed!

I’m currently working on a few projects which I am excited to share with you over the next couple of months.

So watch this space…

The sun has finally returned to the UK, so shorts are definitely back on…

On that note it brings me very nicely into cellulite and the cellulite solution.

Thankfully it’s not just you and me that it affects but Jennifer Aniston and Katy Perry have both been spotted with dimpled thighs and butts…

In fact cellulite affects over 90% of women which can be made worse by a poor diet high in fat and processed foods, to raised stress levels and an inactive lifestyle.

Cellulite isn’t just found on overweight women, in fact it can be found on woman of any size and weight but the more body fat you have the more you will be able to see the cellulite.

The cottage cheese appearance is caused by fibrous cords that connect the skin to underlying muscle. The fat lies in between the muscle and the skin. As the fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the cords pull down.

This creates the uneven surface or orange peel effect.

So what is the cellulite solution?

The first important defense against cellulite is to clean up your diet, eliminating any processed foods that may have come in a box or a packet.

Also remove any high fat foods and start including fresh organic vegetables and fruit to your diet with lean grass fed meats, fresh fish and pulses. Stay away from soda and drink water to improve circulation.

Here's a great idea and something that I do every week. Go to your local farmers market, most towns have one. I buy organic eggs, organic fruit & vegetables and wild mushrooms which are one of my favourite buys.

Have a look for your local farmers market and next time it’s on; get yourself there…

The next thing you need to get onto is exercise.

Remember I said the more body fat you have the more you can see the cellulite regardless of your body shape and size!

Include full body workouts 3 times each week; try my metabolic circuit training and 2 interval training sessions.

These will help you to reduce body fat and keep you toned and lean helping you to banish cellulite.

One particular treatment you need to avoid is expensive cellulite reducing cream.
Creams have never been proven to reduce cellulite so please don’t waste your money.

There you have the one and only "cellulite solution" you’ll ever need.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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