Sunday 27 September 2009

How to Burn Body Fat for Good

Let me ask you a question...

Do you have 5 hours each day to work out?

Of course you don’t and who does!

I get so many questions these days, from women asking why they are only losing 1-3 pounds each week. They follow a good workout plan and eat very healthy most days but they can’t seem to get past the 3 pounds so they ask, what’s wrong with me?...

Well my friend, absolutely nothing! You should be proud of yourself for achieving such fantastic results.

I’ve also received emails from women who have thrown in the towel on their healthy way of life for exactly the same reason; they seem to think that they should be dropping double digits each week! I think we all know where they get those ideas from. This is REAL life, it certainly isn’t a TV show and we have to realise that in the real world the vast majority of people only have time to workout 3 maybe 4 times each week which is fine.

Losing between 1 -3 pounds each week is absolutely amazing, I take my hat off to you for achieving those results!...

Losing this amount of weight each week, following a healthy eating and workout plan is something you use for the rest of your life. This is what it’s all about, losing weight the correct way is the only way.

Not extreme dieting and certainly not by over training!

Studies have shown that people who have lost a large amount of weight over a very short period of time are more likely to gain it all back within 3 -5 years.

So next time you are disappointed with only a 2 pound loss over a period of a week please re-read this article and congratulate yourself for doing such an amazing job.

Let me know your weight loss stories, I’d love to hear them.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Sunday 13 September 2009

The Truth about Stomach Fat

One of my main chores that I do every weekend is visit my local supermarket to stock up on fresh fish, lean meats, fruits and vegetables for the week ahead…

I tend to people watch when I'm walking around and have a good look at what foods other shoppers put in their trolleys.

I’d say that at least 65% of the people in the store were clearly over weight carrying lots of stomach fat.

Considering the products in some of their trolleys I was sadly not surprised!

Most of their trolleys were filled up with the foods that helped them get to the unhealthy size they are. They had stuff like cakes, white breads and ready meals.

Each trolley I walked past, the list of un nutritional foods just went on and on…

It made me so sad and I had the urge to stop people and say WHY ARE YOU EATING THAT CRAP, DON’T YOU REALISE WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO YOUR BODY?! But I am pretty sure they wouldn’t have thanked me for that!!

If you're like me, then you want to educate yourself so that you can make positive choices and embrace lasting change.

It’s come to light over the past 10 years both in the media and working with so many women that the stomach is a huge problem area. Gone are the days when we think it’s just men that have the ‘beer belly’, alarmingly we are seeing more and more women with this stomach fat problem.

Gaining fat around your tummy is not only disheartening but it’s also extremely unhealthy, more so than any other area of your body. Excess 'belly fat' increases your chances of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and diabetes.

The good news is that with just a few lifestyle changes you can make your belly fat a thing of the past...

Unfortunately too many women think that the belly fat is limited to the amount of fat you can grab with your hand but it’s the fat that you can’t see that is a major issue.

There are two types of fat that I’m talking about and the first one is Visceral fat.

Visceral fat lies deep in your abdomen which surrounds the internal organs. When you gain this type of fat, the problems may start.
This type of stomach fat brings with it so many health problems, which is something you can and should avoid at all costs!

The second type of fat is located between the skin and the abdominal wall and that’s the subcutaneous fat. This is a lot more visible and can be measured with callipers to give you an indication of how much body fat you are carrying. It certainly doesn’t cause problems like Visceral fat does but having too much of it definitely wont give you a lean tight stomach.

You can do something about this and eliminate or avoid gaining ANY type of fat!

Changing your diet, cutting out all processed foods and replacing them with natural, nutritious foods is your first major step.

Burn Stomach Fat by Eating Healthy Fats

The next step is to get your body moving on a daily basis. Circuit training and resistance training should be done at least 3 x each week.

The Best Ab Workout Exercises!

Once you start to make these small changes you will start to have far more energy, your skin will glow and you will generally start to 'feel' healthy. Being ready for anything life has to throw at you.

You can be certain of a sexy flat stomach in no time, get motivated and make the lasting changes your body and soul deserve!

Share your transformation tips and comment below.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

Download Your FREE Copy TODAY!

Sunday 6 September 2009

Want to achieve your fat loss goals? Follow these 5 steps

Whenever I speak to someone who’s looking to lose body fat and tone up, my first question to them is ‘what steps have you put in place to make sure that you succeed’?

Usually their answer is ‘no steps, I’m just going to take it day by day and see how it goes’

I’m sorry but if that’s your attitude then I have to say, ‘those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Period…

Especially for you, I’ve put together my 5 steps that will help you succeed in your fat loss goals.

1. Always keep a weekly food & exercise journal
How can you possibly keep track if you’re not writing everything down. By doing this you will see what works and what doesn’t work. How’s certain make you feel. This is a fantastic way to build on your future eating & exercising habits.

2. Grab a workout buddy or join an online support group.
Basically people that are in the same boat as you, looking to achieve the same goals. It’s an amazing thing being able to share your journey with someone else. There’s also a mega bonus of them holding you accountable to the promises you’ve made to yourself and to each other.

3. Change those eating habits
Gone are the days when you need 3 good meals a day. Follow my rule of 5 small meals a day.
1. Breakfast
2. Lunch
3. Snack (mid morning)
4. Dinner
5. Snack (mid afternoon)
Not only will that stop you reaching for the donuts but it will also keep your metabolism working at full speed.

4. Keep your workouts fun and interesting
Always follow a structured workout plan that changes every 4 weeks. Not only will this provide you with variety but it will also stop you from hitting the dreaded plateau. Why not mix up your regular workouts with some Frisbee or softball in the park with some friends or try one of my body weight workouts in the great outdoors. Remember the 3 F’s rule of life...FUN, FITNESS & FRESH AIR!

5. Finally, one of the most important steps
You must want to change from the inside and for YOU because I can guarantee, if you don’t want it 100% and you are going in on a half hearted basis. You will only give it 50% and unfortunately this will lead to failure.

I know you can do it, I am with you all the way! If you have any questions then fire them at me, I’m happy to help.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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