Tuesday 20 April 2010

Get a Firm Butt With These Bodyweight Butt Exercises

The time has come for us all to focus a little more training time on our butt!

It's time for you to throw off the layers of winter clothes and show a little more skin as the weather heats up.

I have put together some bodyweight butt exercises to make sure your lower body is firm and strong for the summer months and beyond.

There's no excuse here because you can do these bodyweight exercises anywhere, that's right, anywhere!!

Having a well toned butt is also important because strong gluteal muscles help to stabilize your lower back, hips and also your legs.

Here are your bodyweight butt exercises that will have you ready to show more skin in no time at all.

This workout is ideal for the 'time challenged' because you can fit it in to your week, right along side your current workout.

Perform the bodyweight butt workout twice each week for 1 month.

With each butt exercise do 15 reps.
Complete each exercise one after the other without any rest.
Then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the entire circuit 3 more times.

As always make sure you warm up before going into the main workout.
Run on the spot for 3-4 minutes and then complete 8 reps of squats.

Side Step-ups
Forward Lunges
Sumo Squats
One Leg Deadlift
Lying Hip Extension
Reverse Lunges

I’m sharing this great way to incorporate more "butt exercises" into your life so you can spread the word and let all your girl friends in on your secret.

Firm butt + strong back = Powerful, fit woman!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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Monday 12 April 2010

Motivate Your Way to a Sexy Flat Stomach

Hey, I know you guys love the motivation and as you know I’m all about motivation so I wanted to share this with you for next time you’re at a cross roads when it comes to working out, to work out or not to…

...that is the question!

Do you often find when you are feeling low or tired it’s always your fitness plan that gets thrown to one side?

It’s never a shopping trip or a special date with your sofa and the TV!

Why is that?

Because it’s an instant and easy choice, great in the moment but a poor decision in the long term when trying to gain a sexy flat stomach.

You know that once you get started with your workout you’ll start to feel better, energized almost immediately and once you’ve finished you’ll feel on top of the world, ready to take on anything life has to throw at you.

You want to make the right choices when faced with this kind of decision.

Here’s my sure fire plan that you should start to follow from today.

I guarantee it works and I want you to achieve your goals as much as you do.

Stick with me and we’ll have you interval training down the right path in no time…

1. Set realistic goals – Daily, weekly and Monthly

Write down which days you are going to work out, at what time and exactly which type of workout you are going to do.

What do you want to have achieved at the end of each week. Lost 2 pounds? Worked out 3 times? Or perhaps added an extra set to your workout?

For your monthly goals, achieved all of your weekly goals? Lost 7 pounds? Fitted into your tank top for the summer?

Having clear achievable goals will motivate you to continue.

2. Reward Yourself

This is one of my favourites and something that I have always done right from the beginning of my own personal weight loss journey.

Each time you achieve a weekly and monthly goal, reward yourself with a healthy treat.

A manicure, a massage, a new pair of shoes.

Bonus, they don’t contain any fat!

Make the rewards something that will make you feel special. Write these down next to your weekly and monthly goals.

3. Short Workouts

You don’t want to be working out for hours at a time. Resistance based circuits that target your entire body and only take 30 minutes are the way to go.

Before you know it, the workout is finished, which is far more motivating than thinking I’ve still got another hour to go!

This is also the case for long boring cardio sessions. Focus on interval training that is proven to give you faster results and can take between 10 – 15 minutes. Also, it's the best way to ensure you blast away the stomach fat and let your sexy flat stomach show through.

Try doing 30 seconds of fast running or if you are a beginner 30 seconds of power walking followed by 1 minute of recovery (slow walk). Repeat this 10 times and if you are a beginner 6 times.

4. Variety is the Spice of Life

This is the key to your success. Always mix up your workouts every four weeks, not only will this constantly challenge your body but it will stop you hitting a plateau, keeping your workout energy packed and enjoyable.

I like to throw in a couple of yoga classes each week, mountain biking and hiking in addition to my interval training and resistance based circuits.

Not only is it great for all round fitness but it keeps things fresh.

5. Accountability

This means that you won’t be following your health and fitness journey alone. Having a workout buddy is a great way to stay on track.

When you have a day where you just can’t be bothered, it’s much harder to know that you are letting down your workout buddy far more than just skipping your workout.

Always remember that leading a healthy lifestyle, must be fun and enjoyable. As you want to continue with it for the rest of your life, not just a couple of months.

As my motto goes, fitness doesn’t have to take over your life, it just has to be a part of it.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Book on How to Stop Emotional Eating