Sunday 31 May 2009

My 5 Great Tasting Nutritious Smoothies

Since we were talking about super foods a couple of days ago, it got me thinking about my favourite smoothies and I thought I’d share them with you. They are perfect for breakfast, morning or an afternoon snack and the great thing is they only take a couple of minutes to make.

So, here we go.

These 2 are great for after a workout:

Banana Protein Smoothie
I banana
1 tbsp protein powder (or recommended amount)
½ cup non fat natural organic yoghurt
1 cup non fat organic milk

Power Protein Smoothie
1 banana
1 egg white
1 cup non fat organic milk
1 tsp non fat natural organic yogurt
1 tsp organic peanut butter
1 tsp honey
Sprinkle of cinnamon

I love this one as part of my breakfast:

Steph’s Famous Breakfast Smoothie
½ cup of blueberries
1 cup strawberries
2 apples juiced or 1 cup of pure organic apple juice
1 tbsp flaxseed oil
1 tsp spirulina

This is a great one if you are feeling slightly under the weather:

Pick Me Up Smoothie
1 cup non fat organic milk
½ cup non fat organic yoghurt
½ banana
½ small avocado
4 brazil nuts
2 tsp honey

Lovely for a hot summer’s day, cool and refreshing:

Green Tea Smoothie1 cup green tea (cold)
½ cup ice cubes
½ cup strawberries
1 tbsp honey

For each smoothie throw all of the ingredients into a blender until you have a nice smooth texture and serve immediately. I like a chilled glass, especially for the Green Tea Smoothie.

Let me know some of your favourite smoothie recipes, I’d love to try them!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

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Sunday 24 May 2009

5 Super foods to add to your diet

I was tucking into my evening meal yesterday of organic salmon with stir fry vegetables, when my thoughts turned to you! I wanted to share my 5 favourite super foods with you.

One question before we get started is, are you feeding your body with the correct fuel to make sure that it’s running well?

Over the last few years we have been told about various super foods that can have a dramatically positive affect on our bodies, containing high concentrations of nutrients and have been proven to help prevent cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and even reverse the signs of aging.

Forget boring broccoli, these are far more interesting and the great thing is you can buy them all from your local supermarket.

1. Salmon
Salmon is one of the tastiest, richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids; these are essential fatty acids which are important for your overall health. Helping to ward off diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Unlike omega 6 which is found naturally in our bodies, omega 3 is only found in certain foods and salmon is a perfect example. Eat two to three times per week.

2. Blueberries
Blueberries are high in antioxidants and phytoflavinoids; they are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory. Aim for 1 cup a day.

3. Walnuts
Walnuts are one of the best sources of plant protein. They are rich in B vitamins, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants. Compared to other nuts walnuts have higher amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. So get cracking today (couldn’t help myself), eat around 8 halves a day.

4. Pomegranates
Pomegranates have become one of the most talked about super foods over the past couple of years. Both the fruit and the juice are full of antioxidants, helping to lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol.

5. Dark Chocolate
Yes, you read it right chocolate but always go for the dark variety with at least 70% cocoa content, which contains less sugar and less fat. It is packed full of antioxidants and can even help lower blood pressure. Aim for no more than 100 calories per day.

There you have it 5 of my favourite delicious super foods. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Please let me know what super foods you enjoy and I can start adding them to my diet.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Saturday 16 May 2009

Easy Steps to a Healthy You

What was the last thing you ate? Are you reading this munching on something tasty thinking what are these so called steps to a healthy you? Before you take another bite! I want you to take a look at the packet or box that it came in; can you honestly tell me hand on heart that it contains nothing but healthy ingredients? The truth is if it came out of a packet or a box then the chances of it being ‘healthy’ are pretty slim.

I have 3 simple rules that I personally follow and that I also expect my clients to follow. If you can’t pronounce what’s in it, you shouldn’t be eating it and if it's not grown by the earth or raised on the land then avoid it at all costs because it's made by humans!

Day after day you may be consuming large amounts of processed foods that include artificial sweeteners, pesticides, trans –fats, refined grains, the list goes on. All of these things can have an alarming effect on your body. Making you feel sluggish, depressed, weakening your immune system, which can contribute to regular colds, gaining weight and generally damaging your health and wellbeing.

Is this you? If so ask yourself a question, why am I doing it to myself? You are worth so much more! Make a decision to look and feel amazing by choosing natural, nutritional foods.

Get yourself into your kitchen and start clearing out those cupboards, I’m sure there’s some nasty’s in there full of processed junk. Look out for anything including refined grains, white rice, white pasta, white bread. Have you ever read what goes into white bread or cakes or any types of foods that sit on the shelves in your supermarket for days? How does it last so long? This also includes diet sodas that most people have hanging around in the fridge. These drinks are just as bad as drinking regular sodas; they are full of artificial sweeteners which are toxic to your body. Just like the foods that you are eating, all you are doing is consuming synthetic produce in liquid form. All of these foods and drinks are lacking in nutrients so they serve zero purpose to you.

I imagine you’re saying if I can’t have those types of food & drink, then what can I have? Well my friend, here’s an idea but the list is endless! Whole foods – brown rice, brown pasta, wholegrain bread (anything with ‘wholegrain’ is packed with nutrients and fiber), vegetables either fresh or frozen & a variety of fruits (go for produce that’s in season). Basically anything that is grown naturally and isn’t processed. As much as possible try to buy organic produce as you know that it hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides which I’ll mention again is toxic to your body! Organic also tastes far nicer. Get your hands on organic fruit, vegetables, dairy, meats etc, you get the idea.

Try cutting out the ‘rubbish’ from your diet and I can guarantee within 2 weeks you will be a far healthier you and start to look and feel amazing. After all, aren’t YOU worth it?

Bon appetite!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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Saturday 9 May 2009

5 Minute Fat Burning Workout

Today I have designed a fast fat burning workout for you that you can do anywhere, no equipment is needed and it will only take you 5 minutes.

Do this workout 3 x per week and make sure you leave 24 hours in between each workout.

OK let’s go:

Body Weight Squats
Full Press-ups or Kneeling Press-ups
Forward Lunges
Mountain Climbers

Perform each exercise one after the other without any rest for 30 seconds. Once you have finished the 4 exercises take a 30 second rest and then repeat the 4 exercises again.

Always remember to stretch after you have finished.

Good luck and remember if you have any questions or you would like any advice, please email me directly or leave a comment.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

Sign Up for your FREE copy, How to Stop Emotional Eating.

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