Thursday 18 November 2010

How to Avoid Energy Dips

As the winter comes, you may start to crave more comfort foods and your hope of achieving a flat stomach by the end of the year could fall by the way side!

You may find that your energy levels tend to dip around 3-4pm each day and all you want to do is dive head first into the nearest box of donuts.

Well help is at hand, I’ve put together my 6 top tips to stop you hitting the floor by mid-afternoon and to keep those extra pounds at bay.

Keeping you on the straight road to a flat stomach.

Avoid the energy dip to get a flat stomach

1. Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is breaking the fast after a number of hours of not eating; your body is craving nutrients to get it going. A good breakfast is vital in the morning and will set you up until your next meal. Slow releasing carbs are perfect, so go for oatmeal with some eggs on the side or perhaps throw some mixed berries onto your oatmeal. An Omelet with some spinach and peppers is also a great breakfast.

2. Caffeine
Limit the amount of coffee or tea that you consume each day to 1 cup of either coffee or tea. Caffeine is a stimulant and once you’ve had the high then the inevitable low will come, making you feel more tired than when you first started. Avoid drinking caffeine after lunch time as you certainly don’t want it to interfere with your sleep at the end of the day.

3. Snacking
Once you’ve had your breakfast in the morning you want to make sure that you keep your energy levels up by eating every 3 hours. So what you’re looking for is 5 small meals each day. Your mid-morning snack or your mid-afternoon snack should include a piece of fruit with some almonds or a few sticks or celery with some natural peanut butter.

4. Water
Always keep a bottle of water with you at all times, you’re looking to aim for at least 2 litres every day and remember this needs to increase the more active you become. Sometimes when you are feeling hungry you need to think when your last meal was, if it’s less than 3 hours then drink some water. Feeling hungry can sometimes mean that you haven’t drunk enough.

5. Food on the go
Keeping readily available snacks with you at all times is vital when you’re aiming for a flat stomach. Having your own foods means that you don’t need to even consider eating junk foods as you have your own healthy foods at hand.

6. The correct mix of foods
When you are eating healthy carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, brown rice, brown pasta, always have a protein source to eat along side them. When you eat carbs on their own your blood sugar levels tend to spike but when you combine them with proteins your blood sugar levels will be kept at a consistent level, they basically balance each other out. Keeping your energy levels up for far longer.

There you go my top tips that will stop you from reaching for the junk foods mid-afternoon and by doing this you will achieve a beautiful flat stomach quicker than you think.

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution

The Flat Stomach Solution

Saturday 6 November 2010

Emotional Eating & The Flat Stomach Solution

Is emotional eating stopping you from fitting into your skinny jeans and wearing your clothes with confidence?

I have a friend who is in the process of going through a divorce and she confessed to me that she’s been using food to help her cope with all the stress.

Emotional eating is a stressful fat builder that can lead to not only weight gain but also confidence loss.

I’ve helped my friend stop her stomach from bulging out over her bottoms in a short amount of time and right now she’s where she needs to be, healthy, gaining confidence by the day, feeling and looking hot…hot…HOT!

The major challenges in life can often make you turn to food and until you gain control of what goes on in your head, it will always be difficult to gain control of what goes into your mouth.

Sue was able to take control and turn a negative into a positive with support from me as a friend and as a personal trainer but also with a heavy measure of self-worth and a desire to be the woman she had left behind when she got married.

My friends passion for change and a new beginning pushed her to contact me and I happily obliged by giving her my complete transformation package The Flat Stomach Solution.

She got copies of "The Flat Stomach Solution" (85 pages of expert advice), "The Flat Stomach Solution Recipe Book" (49 pages of mouth-watering recipes) and the bonus books The Fastest Fat Burning Solution Known to Women, Advanced Abs Workout and The 10 Minute Bodyweight Workout.

Within just 8 weeks Sue had beaten her emotional eating blues and had turned her bulging belly into a svelte sexy stomach.

If you check out my own personal journey you’ll see that I was once just like my friend, although divorce wasn’t my emotional eating trigger, mine was just every day stressors like a bad day at work or an argument with a loved one.

But Sue and myself are both living proof that with a little desire, a bit of work and a lot of fun, you can actually make the changes you want and discover a different side of life you didn’t even realize was there for you!

You can never afford to stop taking care of yourself. “It’s not selfish, it’s sensible”!

Stay fit, keep focused and feel fabulous!


Author of The Flat Stomach Solution